Welcome to the Institute for Fundamental Theory
The Institute for Fundamental Theory provides theoretical physicists and mathematicians with an intellectual habitat conducive to interdisciplinary contacts. Its purpose is to encourage interactions between high energy theory, condensed matter theory, astrophysics theory, biophysics theory, and mathematics to foster a unified view of these sciences and the commonality of their techniques.
Director: Peter Hirschfeld
Associate Director: Sergei Shabanov
Advisory Board: Laura Blecha, Bingkan Xue, Wei Xue
Donations to the IFT are gratefully accepted.
In Memoriam, John Klauder, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Physics, UF 1989-2010
February 15 John Klauder Memorial Conference
March 26 – 28 Surjeet Rajendran (Johns Hopkins)
April 5-11 IFT Distinguished Visitor Daniel Arovas (UCSD) (I will get you biograph, photo, and seminar dates)
April 28-29, IFT Workshop, “Advances in AI-Accelerated Superconductor Discovery: From Method Development to Novel Materials” (B. Geisler, P. Hirschfeld, and R. Hennig (MSE), organizers)